Parlour Steps

Vancouver, Canada's Parlour Steps blabber on about all things Thought-Rock!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sweaty Passages and News of the Inner Machinations!

Grand and illustrious happenings are afoot for the well-oiled machine called Parlour Steps, all of us furiously running the hamster-wheels of Thought-Rock for friend and foe alike. Drink plenty of fluids and take in the following sweaty passages:

July 22nd, Caleb's art-rawkin solo incarnation plays the best dive bar in New York's lower east side. 169 Bar @ 8:30pm, 169 East Broadway, New York City. His big apple debut! With Joe Faulder

August 4th, Parlour Steps rawk Seattle with Eric Miller and Levi Fuller @ The SS Marie Antoinette, 1235 Westlake Ave. Early show 7:30!

August 19th, @ The Railway Club (579 Dunsmuir) with our new favourite locals, MOTHER. See them now before everyone wants the humps from these sexy and skewed art-rockers! With Tyson Naylor.

September 8th @ The Railway Club with The Feminists and You Say Party We Say Die!

Did you see that oh-so-Canadian hormone drama Whistler on CTV yet? We were played all over the 3rd episode and it was cool and creepy at the same time. I've never seen our music put to footage of skinny, good-looking people in soft blue light before.

We Love You. Wanna swim naked in a lake with us?
Parlour Steps