Parlour Steps

Vancouver, Canada's Parlour Steps blabber on about all things Thought-Rock!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NXNE Madness and Canada Day Show!

We just returned from rainy Toronto and its massive and incredible North By Northeast Festival of Music and Film. I think we've all finally caught up on our sleep after the ear-splitting, ass-shaking, alcohol-fuelled, sweaty good times.
With 500 bands in attendance for the festival, spotting the tight-panted, beardo-brodown, rockstar hipsters wasn't hard - they littered the city's core, eager and overwhelmed. Hand-pumping, flyer distro-ing, beer swilling madness!
Our first show at The Hyatt Regency on Thursday afternoon was a strange one. Yes, we rocked it hard. Yes, we got to blast the ears of a few unsuspecting conference-goers who wouldn't have seen us otherwise. But tearing out a new one for some really sober people in a brightly lit hotel ballroom was a little strange.
Our evening show was much more pleasing. The Cameron House is a cabaret theatre style venue, intimate and wonderful sounding (thanks Frank!). We packed it, sharing the evening with some amazing performers (Twilight Hotel, The Abramson Singers, Language-Arts). We love the Toronto night life - they do it so well!
We spent the remainder of the weekend frolicking about, using our all-access passes to hop from band to band, drink to drink, wet street to wet street. Some notables of our adventures:
Mark Berube getting his crowd so worked up, so intensely focused.
Dan Mangan wading into a tightly packed room to serenade the adoring crowd acappella.
The Dudes front man rocking it hard with a drug-addled, broken collarbone. That is fuckin PUNK!
Sure the traffic the horrendous, you can't park anywhere in the city, and there's no woods to get away to, but Toronto knows how to open its city up to an incredible festival of new music and good people.

In other news, we're playing the Man Stage this Canada Day, July 1st at Cananda Conference and Convention Centre (Canada Place, @ the end of Howe Street) . It's free, there'll be all the usual clowning about, fireworks etc. We're on at 1:30pm sharp!

Yr Parlour Steps


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