Parlour Steps

Vancouver, Canada's Parlour Steps blabber on about all things Thought-Rock!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Crow Love

Katie Ormiston, of the Vancouver folk-rock outfit Pawn Shop Diamond, was inspired by the challenges faced by her brother, who lives with mental illness, to act out. A decided lack of resources and a general de-prioritizing of mental health issues in the city of Vancouver motivated her to strike up a deal with some like-minded local musicians - a fundraiser!

A compilation album and performance, bringing together some of Vancity's finest musicians and visual artists to try and help out The Portland Hotel Society, would be cemented together by the black Crow. anyone living along the commute line of these surprising birds can attest to their daily inclusion in the city's bussle.

Black Crow Myspace Page

The performance will be held November 27th at The Vancouver East Cultural Centre.

It was from this invigorating collective of local musicians that we, yr humble Parlour Steps, felt inspired to take to Vogville Studios and record " A Pagan and a Cook" on a cool Saturday in September. It was also an excuse to work with the immense talent of Mark Berube, as he tickled some keys for us in grand style, unveiling wonderous possibilities where none existed before (that's him hand-plucking the piano strings in the second verse).

The pictures of our studio explorations can be viewed on our page. The song was young when we went in, hardly written, and what took shape was glorious for us. We bloomed and it was good. We hope you enjoy it as well.

If the planets adequately align we will have a new album for yr pleasure by Christ's Mass. It will be the collest soundtrack for crucifixion ever!

Love, Parlour Steps


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